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Are you having problems with business finance?

Our business finance solutions can help overcome your cashflow problems when your bank is unsupportive

Have you fallen out with your bank? Having problems with business finance and overdraft facilities that you would normally rely on for cash reserves? Perhaps the relationship with your bank has broken down due to your lender’s revised focus away from your business sector, changes in staffing, or reduced support due to a downturn in business?

Overcome cashflow problems by introducing asset finance solutions

Where there is more than a short-term funding requirement, we can help you overcome your immediate cashflow problems and get the right longer-term finance in place. Equipment, machinery and vehicles can be costly items to fund upfront, eating into much needed business capital.

Often you will need business finance in place to ease cashflow over a period before returns are realised. Business finance is often about confidence, and even short-term cashflow problems can deny access to longer-term finance. We have relationships with lenders who will take a different view.

What sort of business finance is available to my business?

We deal principally with asset finance solutions. We have a panel of lenders that we have chosen to work with as we believe they are willing to look beyond short-term problems and more at the bigger picture. They are also looking for longer-term relationships, so you will not be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. We take time to understand your financial requirements and shape a business funding solution for your business.

In addition to asset finance solutions, Cashsolv can offer business finance in the form of invoice factoring or invoice discounting. If your invoices are not being paid quickly enough to keep up with your cashflow requirement, causing cashflow problems to your business, then invoice factoring or discounting can help.

This financing method provides you with an advance of up to 85% of your sales invoice’s value immediately, to be repaid when the debt is collected from your customer, either in the normal course of business or by the lender.

Cashsolv can help you to determine the best form of business finance available to suit your needs and individual circumstances.

New business funding means…

  • Asset-based lending

  • Can grow with your business

  • Long-term picture

  • Possibility of overcoming a short-term problem

  • Reputable lenders

  • May qualify under the Government Enterprise Guarantee Scheme

  • Relationship-based service

  • Not equity or unsecured loans

Frequently asked questions:

What is the application process?

We will want to meet with you, to understand your circumstances and financial position. If we believe that our sources of new funding are right for you, we will, with your agreement, refer you to our panel of funders. They will want to carry out their own enquiries and will negotiate offers with you. We can assist you through this process.

How long is the funding process?

In some circumstances it can be done quicker, but typically around 2 – 3 weeks.

I currently have a cashflow problem; will this put your lenders off?

Not necessarily. Our panel of lenders will look beyond the short-term, and if they can see a future for the business, they may well still back you. It may be that we can help solve immediate problems through our other services and then obtaining longer-term finance becomes easier.

Will guarantees be required?
Most funders will seek some form of guarantee. This is partly to protect them if the business cannot pay, but also they believe it can protect them from being vulnerable to fraud.

New Funding guides

Here are some additional guides you may find useful:

Cashflow Funding
Long Term Business Loan
Invoice Factoring or Invoice Discounting

Have a question?

Call today 01489 550 440 to speak with an independent advisor and we can help with any questions you may have.

Business funding cashflow solutions – what’s your next move?

Ignore the problem and chances are it will get worse, contact us now to relieve the pressure and get back to making your business work - the way forward, made brighter.

See how Cashsolv™ can help your business.

Call your cashflow expert now on 01489 550 440

Alternatively, we can call you at a convenient time to suit you. It's FREE advice, it's totally confidentialy and you are under no obligation.

Please provide us with your e-mail address if you are happy for us to keep in touch with you by e-mail, our privacy policy is set out on this website.

For further information on business finance, view the following relevant pages:

Perhaps asset finance solutions aren't for you right now. Take a look at our full range of unique products for solving cashflow problems.

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